Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Guess what's coming April 12th through the 16th?!?!?!F-J-H!!! Lets go Huskies!!! Green Gray and White!!!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Teeth for treasures!
Before I start talking about teeth, I need to first digress and gush a little over my brother, Nathan.
Nathan is such an incredible person who holds a special place in our family. He is so much more than a brother, brother-in-law, and uncle. He is another appendage to the Esplin household. We have been fortunate enough to selfishly hoard him all to ourselves since we moved back six years ago and I have to tell you, it has been pure bliss. Not only is this guy totally hilarious and fun to the core, but he has a heart of gold and would do just about anything for family. And believe me, he has! This guy has been a nanny to our children so that Ted and I could go to New York, he has taken on the role of "Mr. Mom" numerous times, especially when Ted has been out of town and I have been deathly ill with morning sickness, I have seen him carry multiple children simultaneously up the stairs and then proceed to tuck them into bed, I have watched him clean up major throw-up when Parker got the stomach flu so that I could attend to my son, and my all time favorite is that he has gone so far as to strap on a Baby Bjorn and do jobs such as vacuuming and ironing table cloths while my baby was screaming in his ears, so that I would be ready for a baby blessing.
Not only has he loved and served us over the years, but he has also been around for many of the significant moments in life. He has been "Grandpa" for the girls' "Grandparents Day" several years running, he has been at our home during events such as Easter, Christmas Morning, April Fool's Day...he has even shared his own birthday with us a time or two. Needless, to say, we all adore him and unofficially consider him an Esplino!
Well, over the years, this handsome guy has met LOTS of great girls, but when Ashley came along, we all saw something different. Within a short period of time, we all had a hunch that THIS great girl was going to be THE ONE. As much as I saw this coming, I still turned to mush when I got word that he had officially proposed. And even though our family will somehow have to learn how to share him, we couldn't be more thrilled!!
Now that wedding plans are underway, my girls have been so eager to feel apart of this festive occasion. A few weekends back, I found my girls huddled around the kitchen computer jotting down all kinds of information. When I got a closer view, I realized they were looking at Nathan & Ashley's wedding registry. The older girls had a budget in mind and they were ready to do some serious shopping. Poor Katelyn was feeling a little helpless since she has very little cash in her possession. Somewhere along the line, she realized that she was getting close to losing a tooth and decided that she would put her tooth fairy money towards a wedding present.
Here is a picture after she lost her first top tooth.
In spite of Katelyn's new windfall, we discovered a few days later that Katelyn was now really twisting and tugging on the other top tooth to try and get a little more money to work with for the wedding present. I think it is safe to say that there are few people in the world who would be willing to give up their teeth to buy someone a gift, but this little girl did not want to disappoint and she was bound and determined to get some more money before that wedding present. I have to say, I am gonna miss this snaggle-tooth look!
Man oh man, she was so excited to hit Target and personally operate the computer to print off the wedding registry. Especially since I am always forbidding it when we are in the Customer Service line. She felt so grown up making a purchase with her own money.
Her objective was to get the biggest bang for the buck, so she went for a laundry basket because it was within her financial reach and it was BIG. I love how kids always think bigger has always gotta be better! So cute!
Here she is with her big purchase:
Katelyn can hardly wait for the big day to approach! As you can see, this purchase brings a big toothless smile to her face!
Nathan is such an incredible person who holds a special place in our family. He is so much more than a brother, brother-in-law, and uncle. He is another appendage to the Esplin household. We have been fortunate enough to selfishly hoard him all to ourselves since we moved back six years ago and I have to tell you, it has been pure bliss. Not only is this guy totally hilarious and fun to the core, but he has a heart of gold and would do just about anything for family. And believe me, he has! This guy has been a nanny to our children so that Ted and I could go to New York, he has taken on the role of "Mr. Mom" numerous times, especially when Ted has been out of town and I have been deathly ill with morning sickness, I have seen him carry multiple children simultaneously up the stairs and then proceed to tuck them into bed, I have watched him clean up major throw-up when Parker got the stomach flu so that I could attend to my son, and my all time favorite is that he has gone so far as to strap on a Baby Bjorn and do jobs such as vacuuming and ironing table cloths while my baby was screaming in his ears, so that I would be ready for a baby blessing.
Not only has he loved and served us over the years, but he has also been around for many of the significant moments in life. He has been "Grandpa" for the girls' "Grandparents Day" several years running, he has been at our home during events such as Easter, Christmas Morning, April Fool's Day...he has even shared his own birthday with us a time or two. Needless, to say, we all adore him and unofficially consider him an Esplino!
Well, over the years, this handsome guy has met LOTS of great girls, but when Ashley came along, we all saw something different. Within a short period of time, we all had a hunch that THIS great girl was going to be THE ONE. As much as I saw this coming, I still turned to mush when I got word that he had officially proposed. And even though our family will somehow have to learn how to share him, we couldn't be more thrilled!!
Now that wedding plans are underway, my girls have been so eager to feel apart of this festive occasion. A few weekends back, I found my girls huddled around the kitchen computer jotting down all kinds of information. When I got a closer view, I realized they were looking at Nathan & Ashley's wedding registry. The older girls had a budget in mind and they were ready to do some serious shopping. Poor Katelyn was feeling a little helpless since she has very little cash in her possession. Somewhere along the line, she realized that she was getting close to losing a tooth and decided that she would put her tooth fairy money towards a wedding present.
Here is a picture after she lost her first top tooth.
In spite of Katelyn's new windfall, we discovered a few days later that Katelyn was now really twisting and tugging on the other top tooth to try and get a little more money to work with for the wedding present. I think it is safe to say that there are few people in the world who would be willing to give up their teeth to buy someone a gift, but this little girl did not want to disappoint and she was bound and determined to get some more money before that wedding present. I have to say, I am gonna miss this snaggle-tooth look!
Man oh man, she was so excited to hit Target and personally operate the computer to print off the wedding registry. Especially since I am always forbidding it when we are in the Customer Service line. She felt so grown up making a purchase with her own money.
Her objective was to get the biggest bang for the buck, so she went for a laundry basket because it was within her financial reach and it was BIG. I love how kids always think bigger has always gotta be better! So cute!
Here she is with her big purchase:
Katelyn can hardly wait for the big day to approach! As you can see, this purchase brings a big toothless smile to her face!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Adventures in Toilet Training!!!
You would think that as a seasoned (that's code for middle-aged) mother of four, that by the time the last child came around, there would be very few tricks to get excited about. Well, when it comes to teaching the fine art of potty training, I still manage to experience small doses of euphoria when that training child FINALLY manages to get SOMETHING into the toilet. Today was no exception. For months, we have been "oohing" and "aaahing" over big boy underpants, the whole family has been demonstrating and even marketing the benefits of using those fancy porcelain bowls conveniently located throughout the house, and even to Parker's credit, the little man has mastered the art of sitting for painfully LONG periods of time on the porcelain throne, even doing what some would consider to be almost acrobat-like moves as he stands up on one leg while trying to flush the toilet while sitting, and I can't even BEGIN to tell you how much toilet paper Parker has unnecessarily flushed as he has practiced wiping--just in case he someday chose to really pull the whole thing off. Well, today folks, we saw SUCCESS!!! Yessireee, I was patiently reading with my best Spanish accent the moving literary masterpiece of "SkippyjonJones" (for those of you less cultured folk, it is a touching story about a Siamese Cat who is utterly convinced that he really is a Chihuahua), when all of a sudden I felt a spray fly right across my pants, up my shirt, and slightly on to my face. Now, most of you might respond differently, but when you have been trying to promote how much "fun" it is to pee in a toilet, the only natural response I could give was sheer joy!!! We both hooted and hollered and squealed with delight. Before you knew it, the whole family was joining in on the fun in our 4x4 foot bathroom. Everyone was screaming and dancing and giving "high fives" all around. As you can see, our little man was not too disappointed with his efforts either.
Let's just say that this stream of urine trailing up my leg (and all over the floor)....
Well, it is ALL worth it!!!
Believe me, these are the gems in motherhood that make it all worthwhile!
Let's just say that this stream of urine trailing up my leg (and all over the floor)....
Well, it is ALL worth it!!!
Believe me, these are the gems in motherhood that make it all worthwhile!
Fun with the Iversons
My kids just love their cousins. The trouble is that life gets so darn busy that it is nearly impossible to find time to get together with them. Yes, we have monthly family get togethers, but according to my children, "that doesn't count". They want quality time and we are not talking "quality over quantity" time. They want some serious fun that runs into the wee hours of the night. In our home, our kids only get sleepovers with cousins, which only compounds their desire to get together more often with extended family.
A few weeks back, I asked Katelyn what it would take to get her to make her bed EVERY DAY. She negotiated for 5 clean bedroom mornings in exchange for lunch with her cousin, Aidan. The next thing you know, Megan piped in and was trying to negotiate the same. Katelyn called foul play on account of the fact that Megan ALWAYS has a clean bedroom. Before I knew it, both of the girls wanted to know what it would take to get sleepovers out of the deal. Well, I can't say that I was a savvy negotiator, but I certainly did make two little girls very happy. This weekend, we managed to squeeze Wendy's, Slurpees, and even a personal shopping spree at Walmart with two crisp dollars per child (which, by the way, was the highlight according to all). I regret to say that I don't have pics of Presley and Megan, but I managed to get a couple of cute ones of Katelyn and Aidan.
Sleeping in the tent in Katelyn's bedroom. It was a little snug for comfort, if you ask me, but they sure seemed to have fun.
Katelyn brushing Aidan's teeth because Aidan was a chicken, and as everyone knows, chickens can't hold toothbrushes with wings.
A few weeks back, I asked Katelyn what it would take to get her to make her bed EVERY DAY. She negotiated for 5 clean bedroom mornings in exchange for lunch with her cousin, Aidan. The next thing you know, Megan piped in and was trying to negotiate the same. Katelyn called foul play on account of the fact that Megan ALWAYS has a clean bedroom. Before I knew it, both of the girls wanted to know what it would take to get sleepovers out of the deal. Well, I can't say that I was a savvy negotiator, but I certainly did make two little girls very happy. This weekend, we managed to squeeze Wendy's, Slurpees, and even a personal shopping spree at Walmart with two crisp dollars per child (which, by the way, was the highlight according to all). I regret to say that I don't have pics of Presley and Megan, but I managed to get a couple of cute ones of Katelyn and Aidan.
Sleeping in the tent in Katelyn's bedroom. It was a little snug for comfort, if you ask me, but they sure seemed to have fun.
Katelyn brushing Aidan's teeth because Aidan was a chicken, and as everyone knows, chickens can't hold toothbrushes with wings.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
As you can see from this picture, we love our cousins. They are so fantastic and they are so nice.
They are so funny!(Presley is the bunny fingers!TEE HEE)
They are such cuties!!! This is our little cousin Presley. We love our Cousins!!! Love the Esplino kids!!!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Saturday, March 13, 2010
What us girls do.
My Pictures... UGH.
So I guess I that I have to do a blog post with pictures of me... but I am NOT writing about how great I am. OOPS!!! Forget I said that. So here it goes: Here is a Picture my dad got of me in California with the Whitlocks (I cropped it so I didn't have to take more Pictures that I had to.)
This is a picture of my cousin Emily-Kate and me in St. George.
This was from last summer. (Exactly one year after I got my braces on. I cannot wait to get them off!)First Day of 7th Grade!!! Me and my friend Annakeya on New Years Eve. My friend McKenna and me at the mall.Everyone, this is evidence that I am, in fact, crazy. (Actually I just did it for Parker, but I like Elephants so yeah.)And that is all the pictures that you will see of me for now. Ta ta for now!!!
-Ashley {Keep on Smiling :D}
She brings a WHOLE new meaning to "Flat on The Floor"
This is how I found Katie last night:She is so cute!!!
She was so darn pooped! We went to Viewmont High Schools production of "CATS" and she didn't get to bed till' 9:45. She loved the show but I think she got just a little tired. She didn't even make it to her bed. I just love how fell asleep next to her light shade with her ski pass hanging on it. Megan and I have different theories about how she fell asleep like that but they are just really random stuff. Mostly because we were tired and delirious. Mom and Dad didn't come home till' REALLY, REALLY late. Mom forgot her cell phone at the high school and luckily someone called a contact on her phone and the contact called mom to tell her. She doesn't get to pick it up till five to night because that is when they set up for the next show. I am so glad that there are good, honest people that are all around us. Even in High Schools.
-Ashley {Keep Smiling:D}
Friday, March 12, 2010
ATTENTION!!! Hurricane Parker has just begun.
The terrifying disaster happened just 6 hours ago:
As you can see in this picture, people are working around the clock to help fix this disaster.
The Esplin scientists have now just called this Hurricane Parker, named after the person who started it. Do not worry he is in timeout right now. This is Ashley Esplin Reporting from KTESPLIN News.
-Ashley Esplin
(I actually have no idea how it happened or when it happened I just know that Parker did it)
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