Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Joys of Christmas Day!

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As a child, I could never understand why anyone would want to say "bah humbug" during the holidays. Everything about the Christmas season seemed so magical to me. Even as I grew older, I still would get those wonderful feelings of excitement and anticipation as the Christmas season approached. It wasn't until I was a grown adult that the proverbial lightbulb went on in my head and I caught a glimpse as to why people sometimes get stressed out, frustrated, and even down right grumpy during the Christmas season. Don't get me wrong...I still LOVE Christmas. I love the feelings of love and service that it brings, I love the many opportunities that we have to reflect on our Savior, Jesus Christ, and celebrate His birth, I love that we often make a point of spending more time with our close friends and loved ones. I just get so darn stressed out trying to schedule in all of these wonderful things ON TOP of living my already busy life!

How grateful I am to have four sweet children to remind me that there is always joy and magic to be found. I love watching their eyes light up over the little things, like Christmas tree lights, forgotten favorite family ornaments, or the completion of our family gingerbread house. I love watching them try to creatively make gifts for one another. I love the excited giggles they share at the top of the stairs before coming down on Christmas day. I love watching them spontaneously love and hug each other. I love that my children genuinely get excited for each other, and find just as much joy watching their brother or sister receive something special on Christmas day.

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