Sunday, March 21, 2010

Fun with the Iversons

My kids just love their cousins. The trouble is that life gets so darn busy that it is nearly impossible to find time to get together with them. Yes, we have monthly family get togethers, but according to my children, "that doesn't count". They want quality time and we are not talking "quality over quantity" time. They want some serious fun that runs into the wee hours of the night. In our home, our kids only get sleepovers with cousins, which only compounds their desire to get together more often with extended family.

A few weeks back, I asked Katelyn what it would take to get her to make her bed EVERY DAY. She negotiated for 5 clean bedroom mornings in exchange for lunch with her cousin, Aidan. The next thing you know, Megan piped in and was trying to negotiate the same. Katelyn called foul play on account of the fact that Megan ALWAYS has a clean bedroom. Before I knew it, both of the girls wanted to know what it would take to get sleepovers out of the deal. Well, I can't say that I was a savvy negotiator, but I certainly did make two little girls very happy. This weekend, we managed to squeeze Wendy's, Slurpees, and even a personal shopping spree at Walmart with two crisp dollars per child (which, by the way, was the highlight according to all). I regret to say that I don't have pics of Presley and Megan, but I managed to get a couple of cute ones of Katelyn and Aidan.

Sleeping in the tent in Katelyn's bedroom. It was a little snug for comfort, if you ask me, but they sure seemed to have fun.

Katelyn brushing Aidan's teeth because Aidan was a chicken, and as everyone knows, chickens can't hold toothbrushes with wings.

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